Thiparat Chotibut [ ธิปรัชต์ โชติบุตร (ธิป) ]

Head of Chula Intelligent and Complex Systems Lab

Link to our group website
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Research topics
Quantum Simulation & Algorithms, Biophysics & Complex Systems

Contact: thiparat.c [AT]
Office: MHMK Building Room 1905

About me: I’m a theorist working at the intersection of physics and computer science. Our current research aims to develop a fundamental understanding of learning algorithms and information processing systems that operate across diverse physical substrates, drawing insights from computational neuroscience, statistical physics, and quantum information science. I also work closely with industry partners, solving real-world problems using tools from network science and optimization theory.

Education & past employments

  • Faculty member, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University (2019-present)

  • Visiting scientist at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (2025, 2023), NTU, Singapore (2025, 2024) & KITP, Santa Barbara, USA (2019)

  • Postdoctoral scholar, SUTD, Singapore (2016-2019)

  • Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Harvard University, USA (2016)

  • M.A. in Physics, Harvard University, USA (2012) & in Mathematics, The University of Virginia, USA (2010)

  • B.S. in Physics and Mathematics (with Highest Distinction, Phi Beta Kappa), The University of Virginia, USA (2009)


  • Machine Learning for Physical Scientists (link)

  • Quantum Mechanics II (link)

  • Statistical Physics (link)

  • Quantum Information Theory

  • General Physics I and General Physics Laboratory

Outreach and academic services

  • Program committee: Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning (QTML2023-2024), Workshop organizer: Bangkok Workshops on Discrete Geometry, Dynamics & Statistics (link), Quantum industry conference organizer (link)

  • Reviewer: Physical Review Journals, New Journal of Physics, Quantum Science and Technology, Neurocomputing, AAAI, NeurIPS.

  • Media Partners: Suthichai Live (link), the Standard (link), Tam-Eig (link)

  • Quantum Ecosystem and Education by Techsauce Ep. [1][2][3][4][5]

  • BrainCodeCamp: AI and computational neuroscience for enthusiastic Thais (link)

Selected publications

  • Rungratsameetaweemana, N., Kim, R., Chotibut, T., Sejnowski, R, Random noise promotes slow heterogeneous synaptic dynamics important for robust working memory computation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 122 (3) e2316745122 (2025) (link)

  • Bielawski, J., Chotibut, T., Falniowski, F., Misiurewicz, M., and Piliouras, G. Heterogeneity, reinforcement learning and chaos in population games. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A (In Press) [link]

  • Xiong, W., Facelli, G., Sahebi, M., Agnel, O., Chotibut, T., Thanasilp, S., and Holmes, Z. On fundamental aspects of quantum extreme learning machines. Quantum Mach. Intell. 7, 20 (2025) [link]

  • Sornsaeng, A., Dangniam, N., and Chotibut, T. Quantum Next Generation Reservoir Computing: An Efficient Quantum Algorithm for Forecasting Quantum Dynamics. Quantum Mach. Intell. 6, 57 (2024) [link]

  • Tangpanitanon, J., Saiphet, J.,…, Chotibut, T., Hybrid Quantum-Classical Algorithms for Loan-Collection Optimization with Loan-Loss Provisions. Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 064001 (2023) [industry collaboration with QTFT and KBTG] (link)

  • Pakornchote, T., Ektarawong, A., Chotibut, T. StrainTensorNet: Predicting crystal structure elastic properties using SE(3)-equivariant graph neural networks. Phys. Rev. Res. 5 (4), 043198 (2023) [link]

  • Tangpanitanon, J., Mangkang, C., Bhadola, P., Minato, Y., Angelakis, D., Chotibut, T., Explainable Natural Language Processing with Matrix Product States. New J. Phys. 24 053032 (2022) [featured on] (link)

  • Sornsaeng, A., Dangniam, N., Palittapongarnpim, P., Chotibut, T. Quantum diffusion map for nonlinear dimensionality reduction.  Phys. Rev. A 104, 052410 (2021) (link)

  • Chotibut, T., Falniowski, F., Misiurewicz, M., Piliouras, G. The route to chaos in routing games: When is Price of Anarchy too optimistic? Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 - NeurIPS 2020 (link)

  • Chotibut, T., Succi, S., and Nelson, D. R. Striated populations in disordered environments with advection. Physica A, 465, 500-514  (2017) (link)

  • Chotibut, T., Nelson, D. R. Population genetics with fluctuating population sizes. Journal of Statistical Physics: special edition dedicated to the memory of Leo Kadanoff, 167 (3-4) 777-791 (2017) (link)

Job Opportunities

I am looking for driven and motivated postdocs and students. If you're interested in joining our team, please send your CV and a two-page research statement to thiparat.c[at]