Contact: thanawuth.t [at]
Office: Mahamakut Room 504/2
Research topics:
Astrophysics: Pre-main Sequence Stars, Star & Planet Formation, Accretion Physics, Protoplanetary Disks, Exoplanets
About me: I am an observational astrophysicist interested in the formation and evolution of young stars, planets, and planet-forming disks (known as protoplanetary disks). I use multi-wavelength approaches and utilize space- and ground-based observatories, such as HST, JWST, Swift, Magellan, Gemini, and SOAR, to study how the accretion and outflow processes in young stars and planets affect the evolution of planet-forming disks and vice versa. I am also developing models to study the chemical composition of disks and accretion models of young, giant planets to understand how planets form. Understanding these processes will give us a step closer to answering one of the “big questions” in astrophysics: how did we get here?
Educations & Past employments:
Postdoctoral Associate, Boston University, USA (2021-2024)
Ph.D. Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Michigan, USA (2021)
B.Sc. Physics (Astronomy minor), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (2016)
Possible Research Topics for Students:
Accretion-related line modeling using SOAR and HST data
Accretion/wind model development (C++/Fortran/Python coding and/or modeling)
Other projects related to SOAR/HST/JWST spectroscopy of T Tauri stars/protoplanetary disks
Have some other ideas/interests? Feel free to contact me.
Selected publications:
Gaidos, E., Thanathibodee, T., Hoffman, A., et al. (2024), The Dynamic, Chimeric Inner Disk of PDS 70, ApJ, 996, 167
Espaillat, C.C., Thanathibodee, T., Pittman, C.V., et al. (2023), JWST Detects Neon Line Variability in a Protoplanetary Disk, ApJL, 958, L4
Cugno, G., Zhou, Y., Thanathibodee, T., et al. (2023), MagAO-X and HST high-contrast imaging of the AS209 disk at H-alpha. AJ, 166, 162
Micolta, M., Calvet, N., Thanathibodee, T., et al. (2023), The Ca II Lines as Tracers of Disk Structure in T Tauri Stars: The Chamaeleon I Region. ApJ, 953, 177
Thanathibodee, T., Molina, B., Calvet, C., et al. (2023), A Census of the Low Accretors. II: Accretion Properties. ApJ, 944, 90
Espaillat, C.C., Herczeg, G.J., Thanathibodee, T., et al. (2022), The ODYSSEUS Survey. Motivation and First Results: Accretion, Ejection, and Disk Irradiation of CVSO 109. AJ, 163, 114
Thanathibodee, T., Calvet, N., Hernandez, J., et al. (2022), A Census of the Low Accretors. I. The Catalog. AJ, 163, 74
Espaillat, C.C., Robinson, C.E., Romanova, M.M., …, Thanathibodee, T., et al. (2021), Measuring the density structure of an accretion hot spot. Nature, 597, 41
Thanathibodee, T., Molina, B., Calvet, N., et. al. (2020), Variable Accretion onto Protoplanet Host Star PDS 70, ApJ 892, 81
Thanathibodee, T., Calvet, N., Bae, J., et. al. (2019), Magnetospheric Accretion as a Source of H-alpha Emission from Protoplanets around PDS 70. ApJ 885, 94
Thanathibodee, T., Calvet, N., Muzerolle, J., et. al. (2019), Complex Magnetospheric Accretion Flows in the Low Accretor CVSO 1335. ApJ 884, 86
Thanathibodee, T., Calvet, N., Herzceg, G., et. al. (2018), The Evolution of Protoplanetary Disk: Probing the Inner Disk of Very Low Accretors. ApJ 861, 73
Full record: NASA ADS